The following incidents were reported between Sept. 24 to Oct. 3


The following incidents were reported between Sept. 24 to Oct. 3



A vehicle parked on Solstice Canyon Road was broken into, and the rear driver-side window was shattered. The window was estimated to cost $500 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 



A vehicle parked on Old Topanga Road was vandalized. The victim said the damage was estimated to cost $1,300 to repair. 



A vehicle parked near Sea Drift Cove was broken into and ransacked. The victim’s purse, wallet and sunglasses were stolen. The window was estimated to cost $400 to repair. There were no security cameras available for evidence. 


Petty Theft

A Malibu High School student’s bag packed filled with a laptop, headphones, and calculator was stolen from campus. Principal Patrick Miller provided security footage of the incident and showed two suspects, described as both male Hispanic, walking by the bag and were seen grabbing the bag and out of view. The victim said she did not recognize the suspects. The student’s items were worth $555. 



A vehicle parked near Las Flores Beach was broken into and ransacked. The victim left the key in a secured lock box, visible to the public, and noticed it had been pried open. The victim’s wallet and credit cards were stolen, and recived a notification of an unauthorized transaction made at multiple Apple Stores for a total of $16,697. The  


Vehicle burglary

A vehicle parked near Malibu Lagoon was broken into and ransacked. The victim said their wallet, cell phone and sunglasses were stolen. The victim received a notification of a transaction made to their Apple card in a total of $7,600. 



A vehicle parked near Zuma Beach access road and the widow was shattered. The victim said their duffle bag containing miscellaneous clothing was stolen. There was no evidence that the vehicle was ransacked or damage made to the vehicle.